관계형 DB
maria db - 중형 DB 무료
w3cschool SQL
sqlite3 권장은 매 execution 마다 connect / close 하는 것.
테이블 생성
maria db - 중형 DB 무료
w3cschool SQL
sqlite3 권장은 매 execution 마다 connect / close 하는 것.
테이블 생성
import sqlite3 # connection은 DB가 존재하면, connect만 함.# DB가 없으면 생성하고 connect # 표준 SQL에서 문자열은 무조건 single quote를 쓴다. '# 다만, execute의 파라미터로 튜플을 넘겨줄 때는 double도 상관 없음. def createStudentTable(): try: c = sqlite3.connect("my.db") sql = "create table if not exists student(name varchar(20), age int)"
c.execute(sql) c.commit() # 추가 수정 삭제은 commit을 불러줘야 함.
print("OK") c.close() except Exception as err: print(err) def insertStudent(data): try: c = sqlite3.connect("my.db") sql = "insert into student (name, age) values (?,?)"
c.execute(sql, data) c.commit() # 추가 수정 삭제은 commit을 불러줘야 함.
print("OK") c.close() except Exception as err: print(err) def insertStudentMany(data): try: c = sqlite3.connect("my.db") sql = "insert into student (name, age) values (?,?)"
c.executemany(sql, data) c.commit() # 추가 수정 삭제은 commit을 불러줘야 함.
print("OK") c.close() except Exception as err: print(err) createStudentTable() insertStudent(("이순신", 20)) insertStudentMany([("이순신", 20), ("홍길동", 30)])
데이터 Insert
import sqlite3 def createTable(): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "create table if not exists person (name varcahr(20), age int)"c.execute(sql) c.commit() c.close() except Exception as err: print (err) def insertRecord(data): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "insert into person (name, age) values (?, ?)"c.executemany(sql, data) c.commit() c.close() except Exception as err: print (err) createTable() data = [] while True: name = input("이름:") age = int(input("나이:")) data.append((name, age)) yn = input("계속 입력 ? :") if (yn != 'y'): insertRecord(data) break
데이터 업데이트
import sqlite3 def createTable(): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "create table if not exists person (name varcahr(20), age int)"c.execute(sql) c.commit() c.close() except Exception as err: print (err) def updateData(): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "update person set name='김철수4', age=22 where name='김철수'"c.execute(sql) c.commit() c.close() print("수정 성공") except Exception as err: print(err) updateData()
동적 업데이트
import sqlite3 def createTable(): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "create table if not exists person (name varcahr(20), age int)"c.execute(sql) c.commit() c.close() except Exception as err: print (err) def updateData(name, new_name, new_age): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "update person set name=?, age=? where name=?"data = (new_name, new_age, name) c.execute(sql, data) c.commit() c.close() print("수정 성공") except Exception as err: print(err) name = input("검색이름: ") new_name = input("수정이름:") new_age = int(input("수정 나이:")) updateData(name, new_name, new_age)
삭제 하기
# deleteimport sqlite3 def createTable(): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "create table if not exists person (name varcahr(20), age int)" c.execute(sql) c.commit() c.close() except Exception as err: print (err) def deleteData(name): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") sql = "delete from person where name=?"data = (name,) c.execute(sql, data) c.commit() c.close() print("삭제 성공") except Exception as err: print(err) new_name = input("삭제이름:") deleteData(new_name)검색하기def selectPartData(self, name): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") cursor = c.cursor() sql = "select * from person where name like ?" arg =('%' +name+'%',) cursor.execute(sql, arg) data = cursor.fetchall() c.close() print("성공") return data except Exception as err: print(err) return Nonedef selectData(name, age): try: c = sqlite3.connect("per.db") cursor = c.cursor() #sql = "select * from person where name=? and age>?" #sql = "select * from person where name=? and age in (30,40)" #sql = "select * from person where name=? and age between 20 and 40" # 20 <= age <=40 #sql = "select * from person where name like %철%" # 이름에 철 포함된 모든 것을 가져옴. #sql = "select * from person where name like 철%" # 이름이 철로 시작 하는 것 #sql = "select * from person where name like %철" # 이름이 철로 끝나는 것 #sql = "select * from person order by name" # 이름으로 정렬 ㄱㄴㄷ #sql = "select * from person order by name desc" # 이름으로 내림 차순 정렬 ㅎㅍㅌ #sql = "select * from person limit 3" #3개만 가져옴. #sql = "select * from person order by age desc limit 3" # 가장 나이 많은 3개만 가져옴. #sql = "select count(age) from person " # 나이 항목의 개수 (나이가 빈 경우가 없으면 row와 같음) #sql = "select count(*) from person " # row의 개수. 결과는 cursor.fetchone() 하면 tuple로 결과가 나옴. #sql = "select max(age) from person " # 가장 많은 나이 #sql = "select avg(age) from person " #sql = "select sum(age) from person " sql = "select max(age) sum(age) from person " # 결과가 2개이기 때문에 cursor.fetchall() 하면 2항 튜플이 온다. #data = (name, age) #cursor.execute(sql, data) # 결과 값이 메모리에 loading 됨. cursor.execute(sql) # data = cursor.fetchall() # 메모리에 올라가 있는 값을 한꺼번에 가져오게 됨. [(),] 형태임. # for n, a in data: # print(n, a) for n, a in cursor: # 메모리에 올라가 있는 값을 하나씩 가져오기. print(n,a) c.close() print("성공") except Exception as err: print(err)def showData(sortup = False): print("="*60, "이름 국어 영어 수학 총점 평균", "="*60, sep='\n') try: c = sqlite3.connect("grade.db") if (sortup == False): sql = "select * from grade" else: sql = "select * from grade order by name" cursor = c.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) for i in cursor: s = sum(i[1:]) print("{:5} {:10} {:10} {:10} {:10} {:10.2f}".format(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], s, s/3)) sql = "select avg( kor ), avg( eng ), avg( math ) from grade " cursor = c.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) a = cursor.fetchone() print("과목별 평균 {:10.2f} {:10.2f} {:10.2f}".format(float(a[0]), float(a[1]), float(a[2]))) c.close() except Exception as err: print(err)
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